"We have served the Lord for 161 Years"
Second Baptist Church of Kansas City, Mo 🕇 3620 E. 39th St, 64128 🕇 816-921-2326
Rev. Joe L. Callahan, Jr. Pastor
Who We Are
We are the Second Baptist Church of Kansas City, Missouri the oldest African American congregation in the city along with sister church Allen Chapel AME. We have been at our current location since February 1963. Our families link to the historical settlement of Kansas City and the state of Missouri. See more about our rich history on the link below.

What We Believe
We believe in the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Holy Spirt and our Lord Jesus Christ the Son. We hold to the belief that the Bible is the Word of God and its clear, literal teachings are the final authority for faith and practice. That the local congregation of believers are free to act and govern themselves. 

Meet Our Pastor
The appointed Angel of this mission, Second Baptist Church is Rev. Joe L. Callahan, Jr. He was called to SBC in February of 2020 just a few weeks prior to the nation’s pandemic crisis with COVID-19. He has over 20-years of Pastoring Experience and has a joy of serving in the house of God. One of his favorite scripture is Mathew 6:33.  “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Meet Our Pastor.

Pastor's Corner

Pastor Joe Callahan, Jr. has a heart for God and for you. Join him for his frequent encouragement to help you along your day. Sometimes he may share a simple poem or direct you to interesting materials. And sometimes he may just wave just to let you know God is watching and loves you.
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SBC Online

We understand that sometimes our schedules, sickness and other life unforeseen ventures will not allow us to be physically present in the Lord's house. But God.....has provided a means for you to experience his goodness. When you can't meet with us in person you can still worship live.
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SBC Calender

We can be a busy place at SBC. Learn when your group is meeting and plan for future scheduling. Please contact the church office for more information 816-921-2326
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Hear Ye, Hear Ye


We are busy serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Won't you come along?  View our announcements for the week and plan to join us. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO THE RIGHT TO ENLARGE AND ADVANCE.

Coming Events at SBC

We are busy serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Won't you come along?  View our announcements for the week and plan to join us. CLICK ON IMAGE BELOW TO ENLARGE AND ADVANCE.


You can support this ministry with giving a gift for building God’s kingdom on earth. You can do this from the comfort of your home, automobile or during worship service. Please click on the “VANCO Simply Giving” button to get started today.

Join us In Person Meeting


   9:00 AM


 10:00 AM


   4:00 PM


 12:00 NOON

3620 E. 39TH ST

Kansas City, MO  6128

Phone: 816-921-2326

Email: ContactUs@secondbaptistkcmo.com